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Past week Past month Past year All time Year-on-year Statistics


2025-01-20 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 557 3 79 2,437 28,716
Past month 1,991 3 64 1,995 23,502
Past year 29,586 3 81 2,506 29,531
All time 1,861,448 23 542 16,798 197,918

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
1,900,000 2026-01-08
2,000,000 2029-05-29
2,100,000 2032-10-16
Note: Unlike most other sites Furbitron monitors, FurryNetwork uses four separate submission ID sequences: artwork, photos, writing, and multimedia. Furbitron only monitors the artwork submissions. As of early January, 2024, artwork submission IDs made up about 92.9% of the total submission IDs on FurryNetwork.