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Past week Past month Past year All time Statistics


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 257 2 37 1,138 13,410
Past month 1,116 2 36 1,116 13,149
Past year 12,152 1 33 1,029 12,127
All time 302,853 11 254 7,868 92,703

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
310,000 2025-04-10
320,000 2026-02-05
330,000 2026-12-03
Note: Buzzly does not use numeric submission IDs. Furbitron queries Buzzly for the count of submissions Buzzly claims to have had since Furbitron's last query, and adds that count to a running total.


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 83,011 494 11,859 367,620 4,331,395
Past month 356,852 480 11,511 356,852 4,204,522
Past year 4,435,093 505 12,118 375,650 4,426,005
All time 57,997,391 353 8,480 262,885 3,097,373

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
58,000,000 already happened
59,000,000 2024-11-27
60,000,000 2025-02-17


2022-06-01 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 359 2 51 1,582 18,634
Past month 1,476 2 48 1,474 17,362
Past year 17,762 2 49 1,505 17,734
All time 214,801 3 65 2,007 23,642
Note: Furiffic shut down on 2022-06-01. These stats no longer update daily; they reflect the last available data from Furiffic.


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 3,528 72 1,739 53,902 635,091
Past month 3,528 72 1,739 53,902 635,091
Past year 37,550 4 103 3,181 37,475
All time 1,851,344 23 561 17,390 204,896

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
1,900,000 2025-09-18
2,000,000 2028-05-20
2,100,000 2031-01-20
Note: Unlike most other sites Furbitron monitors, FurryNetwork uses four separate submission ID sequences: artwork, photos, writing, and multimedia. Furbitron only monitors the artwork submissions. As of early January, 2024, artwork submission IDs made up about 92.9% of the total submission IDs on FurryNetwork.


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 5,698 34 814 25,245 297,438
Past month 28,138 38 908 28,141 331,569
Past year 343,245 39 938 29,073 342,545
All time 919,560 27 640 19,844 233,809

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
900,000 already happened
1,000,000 2024-12-01
1,100,000 2025-03-18


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 3,088 18 441 13,674 161,111
Past month 15,227 20 491 15,227 179,408
Past year 129,252 15 353 10,947 128,982
All time 2,166,036 13 321 9,960 117,351

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
2,200,000 2024-11-14
2,300,000 2025-08-24
2,400,000 2026-06-03


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 2,858 17 410 12,696 149,583
Past month 12,478 17 403 12,488 147,134
Past year 111,927 13 306 9,481 111,704
All time 2,413,234 21 514 15,927 187,661

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
2,500,000 2025-06-17
2,600,000 2026-05-10
2,700,000 2027-04-02
Note: Unlike most other sites Furbitron monitors, Weasyl uses two separate submission ID sequences: artwork and characters. Furbitron only monitors the artwork submissions. As of early January, 2024, artwork submission IDs made up about 96.5% of the total submission IDs on Weasyl.


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 13,916 83 1,988 61,625 726,080
Past month 65,666 88 2,118 65,666 773,695
Past year 756,699 86 2,067 64,092 755,148
All time 5,034,715 33 784 24,315 286,484

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
5,000,000 already happened
5,500,000 2025-04-20
6,000,000 2025-12-18


2024-09-07 06:01 UTC

Period Submissions Average
per hour
per day
per month
per year
Past week 1,409 8 201 6,237 73,489
Past month 5,561 7 179 5,557 65,479
Past year 49,779 6 136 4,216 49,671
All time 58,944 4 85 2,646 31,182

Predictions based on past year of data
Future submission ID Predicted date
60,000 2024-09-14
70,000 2024-11-27
80,000 2025-02-09