Furbitron About Contact


You can email Furbitron at contact e-mail address . Email is the fastest way to reach Furbitron.

Furbitron reserves the right to publish any particularly hilarious email that is received.

On-site messages

Furbitron has an account on most of the sites it monitors. You can send an on-site message (variously known as notes, private messages, or direct messages) to Furbitron:

Buzzly: Coming soon

FurAffinity: Furbitron

FurryNetwork: Furbitron

Itaku: Furbitron

SoFurry: Furbitron

Weasyl: Furbitron

e621: Furbitron

Furiffic: Furbitron (Furiffic shut down on 2022-06-01)

Other platforms

As of January 2024, Furbitron does not have accounts on Twitter/X, Telegram, Discord, Mastodon, Bluesky, Patreon, or Boosty. Please contact Furbitron by one of the methods above.